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1 Bedroom flat in Footscray 3011, beds provided. 2 mins from tram stop, 10 mins from Footscray metro, 15 mins from Melbourne CBD. $280.00 per month, bills included but share cost of wireless Internet walking distance from VUT, ALDI, and Highpoint shopping centre. Please call me or email me.">

I have Semi Furnished, Private Room available in Footscray, Melbourne

  • Contact Me
    Posted by Creos
    Last Active 28/01/2011
    Room TypeDepositRentNotice Period (In Months)
    Private Room$407528918$2800
    1 Bedroom flat in Footscray 3011, beds provided. 2 mins from tram stop, 10 mins from Footscray metro, 15 mins from Melbourne CBD. $280.00 per month, bills included but share cost of wireless Internet walking distance from VUT, ALDI, and Highpoint shopping centre. Please call me or email me.
    Semi Furnished
    • TV

    • Bed